
Loop It Up Cup Golf Tournament

04oct7:00 am1:00 pmLoop It Up Cup Golf TournamentSwing into Action!

Event Details

We are SO EXCITED to announced the first-ever Loop It Up Cup Golf Tournament set for Friday, Oct. 4, at Savannah Country Club! Swing into action and support Loop It Up’s efforts to provide meaningful educational programs that make lasting differences in the lives of our community’s young people!

The format for the day will be Four-Person Scramble with opportunities to purchase mulligans. Individual entries are $200 and teams of 4 are $800 — register your team now and secure your players later! We have multiple sponsorship levels available that provide visibility and recognition of your support. And our tee marker sponsorships are perfect for anyone who loves supporting Loop It Up but can’t spend a day on the course.

Each entry includes green and cart fees, a light breakfast, lunch, a gift bag, beer and seltzers, and the chance to win incredible prizes. Check-in opens at 7 a.m. with shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Lunch and awards ceremony immediately following. Registration closes Wednesday, Sept. 25, so register today!


October 4, 2024 7:00 am - 1:00 pm

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