
Lafayette and His Visit to Savannah 1825

20mar6:00 pm7:15 pmLafayette and His Visit to Savannah 1825Program and Reception in Recognition of the 250th Anniversary of Lafayette’s Return Visit to America

Event Details

Historical Background: In recognition of the 250th anniversary of General Lafayette’s visit to America, the GMH will offer a program on his life and visit to Savannah on March 20-22, 1825. As the last surviving general of the American Revolution, Lafayette, called “The Nation’s Guest” at the time, was invited to return to America as part of the nation’s Jubilee, 50th anniversary of independence. The sixty-seven-year-old, Frenchman visited “all 24 states” and was feted and celebrated throughout the journey. His “rock star” treatment has not modern-day comparison.
Event: For the program, the well-documented events of his travels will be recounted with images and commentary. Following the program will be a reception offering French inspired treats. History lovers of all ages are invited to attend.
Presenters: GMH Executive Director Jamie Credle and Writer Raleigh Marcell
“. . . For only he came with no links to any state or region; only he belonged to the entire nation; and only he, among all who pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, sought no economic gain. He asked no recompense but the right to serve America and liberty . . . .” Harlow Unger. Lafayette. 2002.
Admission: Program is free to Friends of and Volunteers at Green-Meldrim House,
$10 for the General Public. See the for ticketing.
For Additional Information: Call or email to reserve a place – 912-233-3845,


March 20, 2025 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm


Green-Meldrim House

14 W. Macon St, Savannah, GA

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