
Crime Stoppers Golf Tournament

07jun8:30 am1:00 pmCrime Stoppers Golf TournamentBenefitting Crime Stoppers of Savannah-Chatham County

Event Details

Teams, sponsors and volunteers gather at the Savannah Country Club for not just a fun-filled day, but for a cause. All proceeds will go to support Crime Stoppers of Savannah-Chatham County, a nonprofit organization that provides the area’s only 24/7 crime, tip-line that is answered by a live-person.

During play, team will compete in a four-person scramble format and players will also compete for prizes for the longest drive, closest to the pin and highest scores.

Teams can enjoy drinks and adult beverages from a beverage cart along the course and then lunch when play ends.



Crime Stoppers of Savannah-Chatham County

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