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Savannah Downtown Business Association’s (SDBA) Calls for St. Patrick To-Go Cup Design​

As the success of the Savannah Downtown Business Association’s (SDBA) Savannah To-Go Cup initiative continues to grow, so does the need for the next exciting design. This recyclable, aluminum cup showcases artwork created by local talent, which is then put into circulation by participating SDBA member businesses and ultimately, enjoyed by locals and tourists to the area.

The SDBA invites resident Savannah artists to submit design proposals for a St. Patrick’s Day-themed Savannah To-Go Cup by Saturday, December 31, 2022. The selected artist will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and their design featured on over 50,000 aluminum cups during the city’s bustling St. Patrick’s Day season.

Applicants can find additional details, design specs and requirements at, and clicking “artwork submissions” in the upper right corner.

Questions should be directed to or by calling 912.660.4718.